Many thanks to you Mez and Michael for you kind words and time!

On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 5:55 AM, Michael Szpakowski <>wrote:

> I really recommend this. Brian was kind enough to send me a preview copy
> and I hoped to be able to write something about it but life and the start
> of the new academic year caught up with me. I feel bad because it is a
> really great piece of work.
> Anyone who has seen any of Brian's video work will immediately recognise
> here too the union of poetry - heady, strange, sensual - and discipline
> (and I mean the kind of discipline that is the pre-requisite of elegance,
> not discipline as some abstract moral quality) that characterises that work.
> There's a third factor, too, and for me it's a key measure or indicator or
> whether something detains me personally - all Brian's work is deeply human
> and humane. There's warmth and quirk and playfulness and sadness and
> tragedy and near despair, too - one feels addressed all the while by a
> companion human consciousness, a fellow sensibility - in some ways
> mysterious,  and ineluctably other, in others so familiar as to feel a
> continuation of our own being.
> I'm too old to know whether one can dance to any of it but it certainly
> chugs along in the most contagious of ways.
> So, Brian, sorry this is belated; everyone else - give it a listen.
> cheers
> michael
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* brian gibson <>
> *To:* NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity <
> *Sent:* Friday, October 12, 2012 12:47 AM
> *Subject:* [NetBehaviour] don trust -- tron dust
> Hello all,
> I've just released a new collection of sample based sounds under my
> digital freeloading alias Don Trust.  It is out on the free net label
> wombnet <>.
> A review and free download can be found 
> here<>
> .
> Or you can stream it here <>.
> "I'm Brian Gibson. Send me 31,000 dollars.  Thank you."
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