Thank you so much, the video and still are lovely. I do doubt my work will be remembered, it never makes it into the larger shows etc.; it's always been peripheral. My new book will silently disappear! But I'm really glad you appreciate the work - that means a lot. And thank you again,

love Alan

On Sun, 3 Feb 2013, Michael Szpakowski wrote:

Happy Birthday Alan! You've been an inspiration since I first encountered your extrordinary work, much of which I love.  Even when I'm untouched or  don't care for something of yours I'm constantly moved and impressed by your integrity. I've stolen individual ideas from you, of course, but more importantly the body of work and the way you make it has taught me a great deal about what it means to be an artist.

I would put good money on the proposition that much of your work will be remembered

and valued when many of today's art celebs are long forgotten.

I wish you happiness today and many more years of making art.


From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2013 4:24 AM
Subject: [NetBehaviour] Cathe on 2/2/13 end of my 60s

Cathe on 2/2/13 end of my 60s (best)
solo chromatic harp and Audacity, please listen

the last piece I will make in my 60s. Time's arrow
is obdurate, fixed, inert, idiotic, supple, subject
to relativistic dilations and contractions, but
a vector in the large, a diminution of organism,
denouement of the temporary coagulation of this
intentionality, this moment. so a piece of mourning
and a piece of escape, tomorrow i can no longer
pretend, tomorrow time is always and permanently
bracketed, as time makes way for time. and i am
smashed by time which reaches back, foreknowledge
none of us should be granted, just as my tongue
claws at the very final notes in my 60s, struggles
to rearrange and bring them to an end, as end
itself is an absolute preparation for nothing. end
always comes before end; Zeno's flight died by
increment, nothing was left, spearheads without
shafts, brutality. i am fearful of death, of its
disturbance, Dunbar's

The state of man does change and vary,
Now sound, now sick, now blyth, now sary,      10
Now dansand mirry, now like to die:
     Timor Mortis conturbat me.

i write my own toon here, cathe-cathedral, less
than an hour i have, coins already on my eyes, i
won't go gentle in this or any other night, my
mouth breathes sound

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