You certainly are (interesting!)! I think you're right about this. I think 
there's always been a part of me that's tried to hold things together, not 
always successfully - but that's true of all of us...

On Sun, 3 Feb 2013, helen varley jamieson wrote:

> forget about "the larger shows" & all that boring stuff, alan, the
> audience you already have is much more interesting! happy birthday :)
> h : )
> On 3/02/13 5:48 PM, Alan Sondheim wrote:
>> Thank you so much, the video and still are lovely. I do doubt my work
>> will be remembered, it never makes it into the larger shows etc.; it's
>> always been peripheral. My new book will silently disappear! But I'm
>> really glad you appreciate the work - that means a lot. And thank you
>> again,
>> love Alan
>> On Sun, 3 Feb 2013, Michael Szpakowski wrote:
>>> Happy Birthday Alan! You've been an inspiration since I first
>>> encountered your extrordinary work, much of which I love.  Even when
>>> I'm untouched or  don't care for something of yours I'm constantly
>>> moved and impressed by your integrity. I've stolen individual ideas
>>> from you, of course, but more importantly the body of work and the
>>> way you make it has taught me a great deal about what it means to be
>>> an artist.
>>> I would put good money on the proposition that much of your work will
>>> be remembered
>>> and valued when many of today's art celebs are long forgotten.
>>> I wish you happiness today and many more years of making art.
>>> michael
> -- 
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