Recent leaks about the NSA's Internet spy programs have
sparked renewed interest in government surveillance, though
the leaks touch largely on a single form of such
surveillance^^the covert one. But so-called "open source
intelligence" (OSINT) is also big business: and not just at
the national/international level. New tools now mine
everything from "the deep Web" to Facebook posts to tweets
so that cops and corporations can see what locals are
saying. Due to the sheer scale of social media posts, many
tools don't even aim at providing a complete picture. Others
do. For instance, consider BlueJay, the "Law Enforcement
Twitter Crime Scanner," which provides real-time, geo-fenced
access to every single public tweet so that local police can
keep tabs on #gunfire, #meth, and #protest (yes, those are
real examples) in their communities. BlueJay is the product
of BrightPlanet, whose tagline is "Deep Web Intelligence"
and whose board is populated with people like Admiral John
Poindexter of Total Information Awareness infamy. BlueJay
allows users to enter a set of Twitter accounts, keywords,
and locations to scan for within 25-mile geofences (BlueJay
users can create up to five such fences), then it returns
all matching tweets in real-time. If the tweets come with
GPS locations, they are plotted on a map. The product can
also export databases of up to 100,000 matching tweets at a


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