Dear Alan
you are very brave to take on the ISISmachine;
I am trying to grapple with your texts
the images are startling (your images), I gather the silence response
is due to the unspekableness of the images relayed from/by IS, and the
relentless expansion of their anarchist destruction war on all others not
believing; thus we reach from a distance, moving closer, a new dimension
that defies our logic but nor theirs; somewhere I read, this is the real islamic
spring, forget the arab spring. your texts dissolve with this unspeakableness
that western philosophies (Bernard Henri Levy had written on the "dangerous 
purity" a while back)
won't easily manage to integrate because it can't be.

[] on behalf of Alan Sondheim 
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 2:23 AM
Subject: [NetBehaviour] ISIS-is: the signal

isis-is: the signal

Alan Sondheim trying to come to grips with annihilation when for
example beheading occurs, not only to foment terror, but as an
act of piety, as part of the natural order of things -

Alan Sondheim a signal is sent, becomes furious, begins to
dissolve, the dance is violent and sexual like a machine gun

Alan Sondheim amounting to firing a gun but now up close, the
taste of the gristle, trophy of the severed head, chopped
hands, gouged eyes

Alan Sondheim anything that can be removed

Alan Sondheim what does this, what is a response, what is this?


[for all]X{not X --> 0}
Therefore not X is taken to 0 (null set)
Therefore not X is always already processed to 0
Therefore not X is equivalent to 0
Therefore not x is identical to 0
Therefore X --> V (universal set)
Therefore X is always already processed to V
Therefore X is equivalent to V
Therefore X is identical to V

Alan Sondheim this came on the heels of a first post I wrote
thinking about ISIS and the idea of exclusion - from for all x
not x tends towards zero - to x is identical with the universal
set, not x is identical with the null set. I'm playing off ideas
of purity and exclusion - things like the Pale etc. or the
theory in Kristeva's Powers of Horror or the earlier Mary
Douglas' (sp?) Purity and Danger. that which is not for me, in
other words, is against me, and must be annihilated, and
annihilation must be carried out to the limit. so for me the
movement is from 'sending' or projecting not-x into the null
set, to making it equivalent, to making it identical - a
movement maybe from epistemology to ontology - the not-x become
- _are_ inherently non-being, eliminated. -

Alan Sondheim X doesn't equal not-X. The world divides and
hardens between X and not-X; it's a classical division so that
the intersection of X and not-X is the null set. What I'm trying
to present is the idea of an expulsion and an annihilation of
what's expelled. ISIS wants a purified caliphate with only
believers; non-believers are expelled or murdered. Could you
elaborate on the rest of your post? I'm trying to say then that
the annihilation is that of the Other - the Other isn't
permitted to survive, and with the death of the Other, the Other
becomes identified with 0.

Alan Sondheim because it's about ISIS and this is the second in
the series -

Alan Sondheim trying to come to grips with annihilation when for
example beheading occurs, not only to foment terror, but as an
act of piety, as part of the natural order of things -

Alan Sondheim in the above, a signal is sent, becomes furious,
begins to dissolve, the dance is violent and sexual like a
machine gun

Alan Sondheim amounting to firing a gun but now up close, the
taste of the gristle, trophy of the severed head, or there were
hands chopped, eyes gouged

Alan Sondheim at times anything that can be removed

Alan Sondheim what does this, where is a response, what is this?

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