
part of the Internet Error Messages 
<http://darkofritz.net/projects/HTMLerror.htm> project by Darko Fritz 

100 CONTINUE I am still alive 101 SWITCHING PROTOCOLS I am still alive 200 OK I 
am still alive 201 CREATED I am still alive 202 ACCEPTED I am still alive 203 
NON-AUTHORITATIVE INFORMATION I am still alive 204 NO CONTENT I am still alive 
205 RESET CONTENT I am still alive 206 PARTIAL CONTENT I am still alive 300 
MULTIPLE CHOICES I am still alive 301 MOVED PERMANENTLY I am still alive 302 
MOVED TEMPORARY I am still alive 303 SEE OTHER I am still alive 304 NOT 
MODIFIED I am still alive 305 USE PROXY I am still alive 307 TEMPORARY REDIRECT 
I am still alive 400 BAD REQUEST I am still alive 401 UNAUTHORIZED I am still 
alive 402 PAYMENT REQUIRED I am still alive 403 FORBIDDEN I am still alive 404 
FILE NOT FOUND I am still alive 405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED I am still alive 406 NOT 
ACCEPTABLE I am still alive 407 PROXY AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED I am still alive 
408 REQUEST TIMEOUT I am still alive 409 CONFLICT I am still alive 410 GONE I 
am still alive 411 LENGTH REQUIRED I am still alive 412 PRECONDITION FAILED I 
am still alive 413 REQUEST ENTITY TOO LARGE I am still alive 414 REQUEST-URL 
TOO LONG I am still alive 415 UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE I am still alive 417 
EXPECTATION FAILED I am still alive 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR I am still alive 
501 NOT IMPLEMENTED I am still alive 502 BAD GATEWAY I am still alive 503 
SERVICE UNAVAILABLE I am still alive 504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT I am still alive 505 

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