I agree re below (as far as I understand it, just coming back from NY); email btw goes all the way back to the origins of the Net (I have the two earliest manuals on how to use the Net here), around 45 years ago. The reason is that discussion works, that it opens vistas, that it creates an environment for thinking; for me, we might as well say that when we talk to each other f2f, we ought to bring along smartphones, whiteboards, etc. Empyre is an excellent example of the depths an email list can reach in protracted discussion, and one can and does always add urls of course.

Apologies if off-subject here, Alan, catching up still

On Sat, 3 Oct 2015, Kenneth Fields wrote:

I?ve been reading Weiner?s ?human use of human beings.?
around pages 120-2, he?s talking about legacy and infrastructure issues
which you could certainly apply to the technology of the listserv itself.
Countries are at a disadvantage when upgrading
as opposed to creating entirely new next generation systems from scratch

There will always be a next thing.
In short, don?t change a thing. The listserv does a good job at
what it does. it doesn?t have to do everything. Your thread this month is 
?what should we do?? and it is serving its purpose in the form of a 
threaded conversation - though it certainly has strayed from the
?interview with geert? subject heading. Keep threading.

You don?t need to shoulder all responsibility yourself, especially
when new models are moving toward p2p, decentralization/federation,
systems like GnuSocial (based on oStatus), as mentioned by someone below.
@Everyone?s view will be different in a mesh of crisscrossing

All you have to do with gnusocial is take off the message limit (making
it more bloggy/macro than 160-character-micro-twittery). We run our own 
gnusocial theme at artsmesh.io. Though I don?t access it from a browser,
but use the app Artsmesh [caution: mac os beta] which runs your p2p
studio and then broadcasts when you want to reach a wider audience (new
It has network tools to test the intercontinental delay and bandwidth
situation; multiple 
clocks, tempos and timezones, Ipv6 enabled, etc.

For the serious, communication obsessed professionals (many of us in new
there has to be a system that lives up to a metaphor like presence
But for those without the time, email/listservs are still there - and while
we?re at it,
long live wiki?s and moos too!


Kenneth Fields, Ph.D.
Professor Computer Music
CEMC - China Electronic Music Center
Central Conservatory of Music
43 BaoJia Street
Beijing 100031 China,

Email: k...@ccom.edu.cn
Tel:    13701188130

      Message: 1
      Date: Fri, 02 Oct 2015 12:03:51 +0100
      From: ruth catlow <ruth.cat...@furtherfield.org>
      To: netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org
      Subject: [NetBehaviour] Solutionism Re:  An interview with Geert
      Message-ID: <560e6497.3080...@furtherfield.org>
      Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

      Thanks Rob for your solutionist approach.

      I knew about groupserver but not discourse.

      So now in the new spirit of openness...

      Another ongoing and mildly anxt-ridden backroom discussion at
      Furtherfield HQ (first think Google and then try to imagine the
      opposite) is about an approach to renewing and maintaining our

      The website runs of Drupal - excellent FOSS community software -
      will soon need to be upgraded.
      Netbehaviour runs off Mailman - we will have to soon move or
      re-host the
      Netbehaviour list somewhere/somehow else, because a number of
      the major
      mail providers appear to be starting to refuse to service this
      kind of
      email discussion list (to which Michael and a number of other
      and diligent subscribers will testify)

      Two issues
      1) the cost and time associated with strategising, consulting,
      designing, planning and remunerating all involved, for their
      while: future-proofing community infrastructure, caring for the
      archive/database. We have had some really very good and generous
      from a number of people to help us understand what the process
      might be,
      but the work still needs doing...and all risks mitigated!

      2) connected to the above - maintaining the connections we all
      while inviting in new and diverse (in age, background,
      ethnicity) people.

      We can't underestimate the scale of the work involved in
      bridging new
      and legacy systems.
      We think we need money to do this because so many people in this
      are already so generous with their energy.
      We are leaving no stone unturned to find/earn/generate the money
      this also takes time.
      We aren't there yet.


email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
web http://www.alansondheim.org / cell 718-813-3285
music: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/tk.txt
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