Dear colleagues,

I dare to send you an article i think might be of your interest: New 
Technologies to Face Up To Climate 
 by Ferran Adell.

It seems naive to think that technology, on its own, can change the ethical 
foundations of the market and industry and steer them towards a more 
environmentally friendly system of commercial values. Nonetheless, we can still 
argue that with good management and legal and political regulation, the 
internet and digital culture may significantly reduce the depletion of the 
natural ecosystem. But are we prepared to go beyond rhetoric and good 
intentions, and take action in our daily lives?

This is the URL:

We hope you like it, we will keep on doing research on this subject matter. So 
any information is welcome.

Very best regards from Barcelona as usual.

Maria Farràs /
933 064 100
@cccblab<> / Blog del CCCB LAB<>

Montalegre, 5. 08001 Barcelona
T 933 064 100 /

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