Hi all
the college where I teach has enthusiastically taken to heart the government's 
Islamophobic "prevent" strategy. Last week they made it compulsory for every 
further education student to attend ( and I am not making this up) a puppet 
show about "prevent" and put pressure on HE lecturers to pressure their 
students to attend.

In response I sent I sent a carefully worded e mail to our management and 
copied in the UCUĀ  ( the lecturers union) membership and my students too, whom 
I regard, perhaps unfashionably, as being capable of making their own minds up 
about things.
I have now been summoned to a meeting with HR and a senior manager.
I am chronicling events on Flickr. I would really appreciate support - at the 
moment simply in terms of favouriting and commenting upon the posts but it 
could well come to some sort of campaign if they attempt to discipline me. 
Here's my original email:


and here's the latest exchange:
please feel free to circulate this
many thanksmichael

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