Dear Colleagues,

Today I am writing to you to send you an article we published explaining why 
Everyone needs to understand that we have a civic duty to protect the Web and 
make it a better place: WHO SAVED THE WEB? By Solana Larsen.

We are drowning in dystopian visions of the Internet with attacks of privacy, 
free speech and personal security that were unthinkable only a decade ago. 
Someday, we will look back and ask: who saved the Web? And we will remember 
that it took a combination of enlightened educators, hackers and innovators, 
global activists, and determined policy makers to protect one of the most 
important and promising human creations of all time.


This is related to an activity we organize the 4-5th July: PRIVACY DILEMMAS AND 

Very best regards from Barcelona!

Maria Farràs / 
933 064 100
@cccblab / Blog del CCCB LAB

Montalegre, 5. 08001 Barcelona
T 933 064 100 /

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