Hi netbehaviourists,

Some time ago I discovered the term Agency Art (coined by Arjen Mulder in
2012). As far as I can see it's a very good term to use for all kinds of
"interactive art" (not only the ones with machine, but also these), but
apparently no one followed Mulder's thoughts and it didn't take on as
something useful.

I tried to write a short post on my blog about it and I hope some of you
will follow the links, read Arjen's article and think about it. I would
love to hear your reactions.

*I like the word because it doesn’t take any technology or medium as it’s
starting point, but puts what these make possible in the foreground. It is
art that has behavioural choices, gestures as it’s anchor points. Its
meaning is the acts made possible.*
All the best

*liminal space – pure motion – an intimate regard – a field of light –
dissolved, destabilized – an altered state – a telematic embrace – a silent
small reprieve – hanging out with friends – machines conversing across the
network only when the noisy humans finally shut up *

Thoughts on Distant Feeling(s) #3
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