Please join us on 6 April at The Photographers' Gallery in London for a panel discussion with Anne-Marie Schleiner (via video link), Michaël Borras A.K.A Systaime, and Gaia Tedone.

Curated and moderated by Magda Tyżlik-Carver.
The Photographers’ Gallery, Thursday 6 April, 18.30

Posthuman curating: curating authenticity or the question of content online

The claim that curating is posthuman recognises the changing modes of curating in the world of mass participation in and mass creation of popular culture. It is no longer just about meaning making by art professionals who commission, archive and interpret objects in museums’ collections but it defines a popular activity performed daily by agents of different orders. Not just curators but users of social media, not just people but algorithms and software are actively involved in managing, organising and evaluating content. Curating has become a practice that supports creation of narratives and online personas, generation of data and content that is displayed and managed across different social media platforms. While using digital objects and networked images to represent identities and conceptualise ideas about the world, the self and others, curating is firmly situated as an element of computational cultures distributing, constructing and performing ever new subjects, content, data, objects, and concepts.

This event will explore what and how is curated online. Showcasing three different practices of curating and making art online the focus is on what stories we tell, what objects are displayed and how they are performed through curatorial and artistic practices and strategies online.

This is a free event and open to all but early booking is recommended. To book, please contact The Photographers’ Gallery on +44 (020) 7087 9300 or register online here

This event is organised by Centre for Study of the Networked Image at the London South Bank University in collaboration with The Photographers Gallery.

magda tyżlik-carver
curator and researcher
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