
Hope all is well following a Friday from good or otherwise. 


The link is for a conversation when
* we make a new sensations from friction with stuff around us. Green (part of 
the wall. Apologies, photos on are not yet named nor organised even in a rough 
manner.) and wind. The green NESS and wind NESS?
It's a simple, nearly complete wonder, that turns from green wind to windgreen 
sensation. No if there. I forgot the word for if, se... I think. Para 
More from if at ifxyz.xyz

* towards the end of the recording, another kid joins in and we complain about 

These kids are from a remote farm in community between christalina and paracatu 
along 040 (#zqz) road. 

Hence, the silly song from next day is to do with Google's evil chased out of 
earth or at least my phone?


Cheers and all the best!


More news from 040?

April 13 2017 11:13 AM, "x" <mis...@spell.blue> wrote:
> Morning greetings from road 040 (zqz?)!
> A short clip. (3ish minutes)
> https://youtu.be/gTElhvQBTQs
> hen it mentions sponsorship the reference is to info from http://040.5p.lt
> Apologies for the face at the beginning :-) 
> bandwidth is scarce and net speed is slower than my skateboarding.. :-)
> Have much fun!
> A
> haxxx--Sent from
>> Hiyas,
>> Hope this finds you all well!
>> From Tuesday 11.04.17, a search from road 040, a linking interval between 
>> Rio and Brasilia begins.
>> The search will come from road 040 that links the 2 cities.
>> In this instance, using skateboarding as a negotiative linking tool of 
>> movement up and down the
>> road, the search will operate for at least another 4 weeks, till the 7th of 
>> May. (Ish..)
>> People are invited to join the search from home as well as on the road.
>> From home, one can "sponsor" a section of the road and place stuff from them 
>> along it. No money is
>> required (welcome but not as a barrier) and further details are on:
>> http://040.5p.lt/insections.html
>> Will be moving through questions such as
>> Any idea How art evolves while in the 040 interval?
>> The general idea, from
>> http://040.5p.lt
>> 040 is a search from being on the road 040, between rio and brasilia, as a 
>> way to get the language
>> of the interval between the unplanned and planned. What kind of an animal is 
>> it?
>> Brasilia is a planned city, Rio is unplanned. Each is a living environment 
>> that is a consequence
>> from the approaches to their urban development. Might each approach produce 
>> its own tragedy? What
>> is the dramatic link in between?
>> 040 is the road that links Rio and Brasilia, between the planned and 
>> unplanned imaginations.
>> Let's find out about that link, how does it operate, live and evolve? What 
>> kind of a language does
>> it
>> have? How does it imagine? How does it wonder?
>> For about a month, I will live on 040 and interact daily with it, 
>> skateboarding up and down it.
>> Through attempts to learn 040's own character as a "linking interval" 
>> between Brasilia and Rio, I
>> will try to develop a language from and of that imagination. To do that, I 
>> will use the language
>> tools outlined at http://ifxyz.xyz/ifxyz-explain.html and
>> http://ifxyz.xyz/ifxyz-about%3F/notes.html
>> People are welcome to join this search both on and off line. Join to 
>> question, critique and diss
>> the search, language, process, etc. You can support this search project by 
>> adding negotiative and
>> frictive elements. For example, you can give me things to place / plant 
>> along the road.
>> http://040.5p.lt/insections.html
>> Periodical updates, contact, etc?
>> Fron
>> http://040.5p.lt
>> Cheers and have much fun!
>> From a land when it's sky feels like an ocean!
>> aharon
>> xxx
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