*solidarity nods*

On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 12:27 AM, { brad brace } <bbr...@eskimo.com> wrote:

> Facebook Exit: I'll not be posting here for another few years: no big
> deal. {If only to have your work/life matter (in
> whatever reparation-future might finally be attained), I'd urge you to
> disconnect from the cultural-institutional and
> other toxic grids generally. Or maybe it won't matter one way or another.
> I can easily be reached in-person and online.}
> FB, like the imposed art agencies, quickly becomes antagonistic and
> sophomoric [and managed and controlled: "do you buy
> this?"], but not like the ol' days of mailing-lists (when issues were
> eventually worked-out fairly-well, usually... but
> the collective intent was there) -- the ubiquitous screens now seem to
> repudiate honest/effective communication: how
> ironic -- given that we first attempted to escape oppressive institutional
> cliches/clutches that were likely 'designed' to
> enhance the inequities. Worthless, False Cultural Institutions Hoard
> Wretched Validation Tokens and call it History. I
> grow weary of all the treachery, selfish deceit and attendant
> willful-ignorance. Artworld-acolytes are the worst. They
> gleefully sell their shriveled souls for a few chocolate cake crumbs. Race
> to the precipice. Sell that fatuous dissent. No
> tomorrow now... Any possible-future can only be dispersive and not
> restrictive: dilutive as accumulative. Nothing Lost.
> Deep Time.  Check-out the 12hr-ISBN-JPEG Project <free-radical-online
> since 1994> http://bbrace.net/12hr.html
> http://bradbrace.net/cut.jpg http://bradbrace.net/dadtp.html
> http://amazon.com/dp/B075RSXVRJ
> only 99c
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