Hello rafraîchissant,

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 05:25:16AM -0800, rafraîchissant wrote:
> NetBSD remains stagnant as Charles Hannum said in 2006?
Apart from giving a look to activity in the NetBSD mailing lists,
netbsd-bugs@, pkgsrc-bugs@, netbsd-changes@ and pkgsrc-changes@...
Let's look what happened after 2006 (just from an user perspective)...
just to name fews:
 * lot of new hardware support
 * SMP improvements
 * bluetooth(4): Bluetooth support
 * wapbl(4): journaling filesystem for FFS
 * switch to X.org
 * npf(3): NetBSD packet filter
 * puffs(4) and rump(4)
And I think we can go on and on...

I suggest you to subscribe to the http://onetbsd.org/ feed and
periodically give a look to all the NetBSD news.

NetBSD is not dead it just smells funny! ;-)

PS: I'm writing from @gmail.com... please don't feed the trolls! :-P
(gnam, gnam ;-))


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