On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 12:06 PM, Mayuresh Kathe <mayur...@kathe.in> wrote:
> hello,
> while i was drawn to netbsd because of the upcoming lua
> support in the kernel and userland, i am quite lost about
> the probable use cases for real-world scenarios.
> prima-face, it feels quite strange to have a scriptable
> kernel and have that capability extended through out the
> userland.
> i have been googling (via lynx) and haven't found anything
> which would suggest possible use cases for the lua-in-kernel
> effort. might be because my google skills are poor.
> can someone with access to such a document please share the
> details?

Currently the best sources I am aware of are Marc Balmer's talks, eg
(I think there is a video somewhere too)

There were also some discussions on the NetBSD lists too. But I think
we need to put together a better document, examples and actual code.
The current working code is for defining line disciplines.

I also have a userspace project for programming NetBSD via Lua
https://github.com/justincormack/ljsyscall which is being used in
various ways, eg for testing the NetBSD Linux compatibility layers and
programming rump kernels.

> also, if the lua-in-kernel effort does succeed, would there
> be some mechanism to turn it off while doing a customized
> build? can't figure how useful such a feature might be in
> a production environment like web-app hosting or even an
> embedded system.

Yes all the Lua support is optional, and will remain that way.


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