Hello to the entire NetBSD community!
I'm happy to announce that I've revived the NetBSD reference card
(I wrote it in 2008).

After thinking a bit about it I saw that six years ago I did two big
 0. The source code of the NetBSD reference card was not easily
    available through a RCS (but only via HTTP)... This discouraged a
    lot contribution.
 1. I didn't discussed with all interesting users and developers for the
    topics that should be part of the NetBSD reference card (IMO it
    should be useful for everyone).

I've updated it and now is finally available in this git repository:


It uses print/tex-leaflet and also (optionally) print/latex-mk in order
to ease the generation of the PDF.

I've found similar material that I hope to integrate in some way or
another in the reference card:
 o https://wiki.netbsd.org/tutorials/netbsd_command-line_cheat-sheet/
 [more or less all interesting commands described there are present in
 the reference card]
 o https://wiki.netbsd.org/users/imil/cheatsheet/
 [there are various interesting information that ATM are not in the
 reference card, in particular: IPv6, build.sh example, upgrading the
 system with binaries (maybe should be used sysutils/sysupgrade or
 sysupdate here), and probably also a basic wpa_supplicant.conf

If we need more space it can be also splitted in a
``NetBSD reference card'' and in a ``pkgsrc reference card''.

Every kind of critiques and comments are welcomed!

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