
I have installed NetBSD 6.1.5 in my old laptop, Compaq Presario 2800.
Everything works properly but usb wifi adapter, 3COM 3CRUSB10075, can not
connect to Internet. This adapter's driver, zyd, was loaded by NetBSD at
boot time and assigned as zyd0.

After starting wpa_supplicant manually, it shows that it is associated with
my AP. However, I find that this adapter's status is active , not
associated, in ifconfig. I try to use parameter -d and -f to get
wpa_supplicant's log. But there is no error with WPA's authorization.

I try to use dhclient with zyd0 and it gets an IP address successfully. So,
I think that it works with my AP. But sometimes it returns "zyd0 : xfer too
short (length=22)". What is the meaning of this ? Actually, I can not ping
my AP from zyd0. I have to flush route table and add default gateway with
interface zyd0. Then I can ping my AP. But I still can not surf Internet.

I wonder whether I activate this adapter successfully or not. Is there
anything I missed ?

Any advice would be appreciated.


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