Since sysinst is installed in /usr/sbin, I am trying to use it to create a xen 
DOMU on a netbsd-7 system.  I am guessing that I should be trying to create a 
partition on a vnd first, but I am unclear how to get through the menus to 
accomplish that.  Should the file for the vnd be made prior to starting 
sysinst?  The options like "size" suggest that sysinst should be making the 
file, but it does not for me.  It just complains about a missing root partition.

On an earlier install I tried using sysinst to create a bootable raid1 but also 
ran into similar trouble figuring out how to create the software raid setup 
using sysinst.

Thus, I think these options are unclear at least to me.  Is there any 
documentation on how to make use of these parts of sysinst?

Thanks for your help.


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