(Martin Husemann) writes:

>On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 08:09:20AM +0100, David Brownlee wrote:
>> Hmm, how about if raidframe were extended to have an option to specify
>> a wedge label & type, similar to a gpt slot?

>Completely independ from the topic at hand, I really love this idea!
>I use most raids w/o further partitioning them, and this would map them
>to named wedges straight forward.

You could create autodiscover code that just creates a wedge spanning
the whole disk. It would be of least priority, so it is only used when
no other disk label is recognized. Fine if you just want to access
a raw disk. But it a) wouldn't have a name and b) wouldn't have a type.
But why create a wedge when it is as useful as the RAW_PART of
the parent device?

With raidframe-magic-code you could put such information into the
raid label and somehow pass that to the wedge. But it is much simpler
to just use a GPT on the raid device. No magic needed.

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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