At date and time Thu, 16 Jul 2015 11:35:37 +0000, William A. Mahaffey III wrote:
> .... On various SGI, Linux & FreeBSD boxen, I have always installed
> in-house software under /usr/local.  I notice no such directory on my
> NetBSD 6.1.5 box. I did notice that pkg_add installed sudo under
> /usr/pkg. Is that the recommended/standard/canonical place to install
> user software under NetBSD ?

If you are doing ./configure, make and make install then /usr/local
will be created automatically. If you are using pkgsrc then /usr/pkg
will be the default location. You can also bootstrap pkgsrc so that it
operates in unprivileged mode; this way pkgsrc installs to bin, sbin and
so on in /home/william/pkg/ , no root user or sudo required. This is a
very nice feature of pkgsrc which honours the principle of least

Just extract the pkgsrc tarball to $HOME and cd to ~/pkgsrc/bootstrap.
Then do
./bootstrap --unprivileged
and the configuration file ~/pkg/etc/mk.conf will be adjusted
accordingly so that software is installed to ~/pkg/bin and ~/pkg/sbin.

Gerard Lally

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