On 8/12/15 8:05 AM, Alexey Smirnov wrote:
> Hello
> Go a quick question here.
> On the documentation we have several types of geting src.
> First is to download five archives from
> *ftp://ftp.NetBSD.org/pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-6.1/source/sets/
> Seconf is do download a lot more from
> *ftp://ftp.NetBSD.org/pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-release-6/tar_files/src/
> *What is the difference between them in code ?*

Hello, Alexey.

NetBSD-6.1 is the source code for the NetBSD 6.1 release; it never
changes.  NetBSD-release-6 is the source code for the NetBSD 6 stable
branch; it changes to reflect the source of the "netbsd-6" stable branch
in CVS. See [1] and [2].

As for the 5 tarballs in NetBSD-6.1 vs. 27 in NetBSD-release-6, I don't
know why that is.



[1] http://netbsd.org/docs/guide/en/chap-fetch.html
[2] http://www.netbsd.org/releases/release-map.html

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