Andy Ruhl <> writes:

> I have a NetBSD system that has existed since the late 90's.

Me too.  It's cool that this isn't bizarre.

> The /etc/rc.d directory has a bunch of junk that shouldn't be in
> there. The rc.conf is a mess as well.
> I could go through each entry and clean it up manually, but I'm
> wondering if there is an automated way to do this?

My automated solution for maintenance during upgrades is etcmanage in
pkgsrc, but it doesn't help get to straightened out from before.

I would

  - unpack etc and xetc into /usr/netbsd-etc (for reference)
  - think about if you have PKG_RCD_SCRIPTS and which packages have
    scripts that you need
  - nuke /etc/rc.d contents
  - cp -p /usr/netbsd-etc/rc.d/* /etc/rc.d

  - for packages, you can make sure you have binary packages, set the
    automatic flag appropriately, and export (via pkgin perhaps) a list
    of packages, delete and reinstall.

  - I don't think pkg_admin check verifies the /etc/rc.d copy.  Maybe it should.

  - if the above is too radical, diff -ur and think.

  - in rc.conf, I think you just have to go through it.  Just comment
    out whatever you don't understand and try to be minimal.


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