lo...@zabrico.com (Louis Guillaume) writes:

>On NetBSD 7.0_STABLE, i386, (from earlier this year) I had configured a 
>couple of disks with GPTs and then switched controllers (wd1 now shows 
>up as ld1) and now the GPT appears to have gone missing. However my 
>wedges are still there...

If the wedges are created then there is either a GPT or a disklabel
that can be read.

># gpt show ld1
>gpt: error: map entry doesn't fit media
>gpt: unable to open device 'rld1d': No such file or directory

That basically says that the gpt appears to be bad. Unfortunately
that aborts the process.

wd1 is a standard PATA/SATA disk.
ld1 is a logical volume probably created by some RAID controller.

My guess would be that the logical volume is "right sized" or
otherwise truncated (controller with 2TB limit?) and thus smaller
than the real disk and the GPT now contains a partition that extends
beyond the end of the logical volume.

                                Michael van Elst
Internet: mlel...@serpens.de
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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