
    Can I use NetBSD as a desktop system?

YES. The only issue may be, as with all open OS, Hardware support. So It won't be Mac or Windows. I cannot use Skype, for example. But this is true also for OpenBSD, FreeBSD and Linux too (it exists, but it doesn't work for me). So supposing you are not trolling and the comparison is against other free operating systems, NetBSD works quite fine.

Workstation or Laptop, it is quite nice! Speedy and fast, reliable.

I run it on on a ThinkPad in 32bit mode (runing release) and on an HP laptop in 64bit (running current) and it works on both. On ThinkPad wifi support (intel) is good, on the HP I have Atheros and the chip was hacked in by Christos. It works, but is not perfect (minor status issues, packet drops) enough to browse, develop and use SVN. Performance is acceptable.

Ethernet works fine also with gigabit card.

I browse with SeaMonkey and/or Firefox and both work fine (although the latter has build issues as 54) Gnustep, ftp, ssh X11 all work quite well. No issues with the touchbad nor with the stick on the Thinkpad.

Both laptops have intel (815, 915) and it works fine enough, but is not perfect (occasional glitches, loss of acceleration) but is the best around. Stay away from nVidia, as always. On one of the two laptops I have issues with the external monitor and thus making presentations, again from intel support glitches, don't remember off-head which one.

I would love "out of the box sleep" like OpenBSD has, but maybe it will come.

I'd also love SD card reader support :)

Then, everybody has its special needs.


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