So, just a few years ago, we had to have flash (a security nightmare) setup and working to do things like play a youtube video. That sucked because you never knew when someone was going to bend flash over and 0wn your system. My best defense was click-to-play plugins so flash only loaded when I needed it. That worked, at least. It didn't play nice with the sound device and often wouldn't release it until I closed the browser, but it was servicable.

Fast forward a few years when sites started to pull their head out of their flash and embrace HTML5 and the in-browser streaming video standards that had only been sitting there a decade or so. I'm thinking "YEA!" no more flash, right? Plus, Gecko browsers are open source, so they ought to embrace more than one sound output meathod, right? ESD, Jack1, Jack2, Arts, OSS, Alsa, NAS, etc.. WRONG.

Well, I was half right. Sites like Youtube seem to work in just about all our Mozilla-based browsers (Seamonkey, Firefox*). However, there seems to be NO CHOICE about what kind of sound device to output to. It's Pulseaudio or nothing, I guess. Well, my opinion is that Pulseaudio is a miserable failure at everything it does, since that's been my experience. I've got three NetBSD systems it fails to work on altogether, or has severe drawbacks (like it won't release the sound device - EVER, or it won't work unless it's run as root, despite 666 perms on the audio devs). Plus, nobody seems to want to *fix* Pulseaudio. Anyone who complains is an idiot, according to Pottering or his ilk.

Is there ANY way to get sound via a browser without Pulseaudio ? Today I resort to downloading with youtube-dl or something similar and playing the resulting file with mplayer because at least that gives me enough flexibility to choose my sound output and not break it (which Pulseaudio does OFTEN by grabbing the sound device, refusing to release it, and being unkillable even with kill -9 - must reboot after that).

Is there any other option besides taking more abuse from Pulseaudio or doing the plugin-download-play-from-CLI option ? I'm using amd64 and i386 ports. Is there a version in the panopoly of firefox versions that has anything-other-than-pulseaudio as an option for sound output that can still do HTML5 video? Has anyone found a formula that works and doesn't ruin the sound device until the end of time just because I played one HTML5 video?


I'm even using SeamlessRDP to run browsers from Windows boxes. Ugh. Bleh. Puh. but at least I know 'rdesktop' will release the sound device!

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