On this server:

# atactl wd0 smart status
SMART supported, SMART enabled
id value thresh crit collect reliability description raw
  1  44    6     yes online  positive    Raw read error rate 221273574
  3  98    0     yes online  positive    Spin-up time                0
  4 100   20     no  online  positive    Start/stop count            0
  5  97   36     yes online  positive    Reallocated sector count 145
  7  75   30     yes online  positive    Seek error rate 39182171
  9   1    0     no  online  positive    Power-on hours count 99097
 10 100   97     yes online  positive    Spin retry count            0
 12 100   20     no  online  positive    Device power cycle count 75
194  31    0     no  online  positive    Temperature 31
195  44    0     no  online  positive    Hardware ECC Recovered 221273574
197 100    0     no  online  positive    Current pending sector      1
198 100    0     no  offline positive    Offline uncorrectable       1
199 200    0     no  online  positive    Ultra DMA CRC error count   0
200 100    0     no  offline positive    Write error rate            0
202 198    0     no  online  positive    Data address mark errors 158

Might be worth mentioning that this server has been under heavy attack
(ssh mostly) for a couple of days from addresses in China.

Steve Blinkhorn <st...@prd.co.uk>

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