Hi There!

I'm trying to build ffmpeg3 pkgsrc on NetBSD8 i386.
The build is successful, ffmpeg itself is usable.

However I see ugly warnings on every start of the program:

/usr/pkg/lib/ffmpeg3/libavdevice.so.57: text relocations
/usr/pkg/lib/ffmpeg3/libavfilter.so.6: text relocations
/usr/pkg/lib/ffmpeg3/libavformat.so.57: text relocations
/usr/pkg/lib/ffmpeg3/libavcodec.so.57: text relocations
/usr/pkg/lib/ffmpeg3/libavresample.so.3: text relocations
/usr/pkg/lib/ffmpeg3/libpostproc.so.54: text relocations
/usr/pkg/lib/ffmpeg3/libswresample.so.2: text relocations
/usr/pkg/lib/ffmpeg3/libswscale.so.4: text relocations
/usr/pkg/lib/ffmpeg3/libavutil.so.55: text relocations
/usr/pkg/lib/libxvidcore.so.4: text relocations
/usr/pkg/lib/libx264.so.155: text relocations

I've already tried -fpic and -fPIC CFFLAGS to mitigate, but did not help.

Anybody any idea?

Thank you:


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