On Sun 15 Jul 2018 at 18:16:15 +0700, Robert Elz wrote:
> The test "language" was very badly defined (ie: not at all really.)
> To avoid problems with that, there are very specific rules about
> where to look for operators depending upon just how many args
> exist - with those rules, it is possible to use test safely.   But
> when it gets to > 4 args (or even some cases with just 4) it
> is just too hard to create meaningful usage rules that anyone would
> understand or remember.

What one hand giveth ( expression1 -a  expression2, (  expression  ) )
the other hand taketh away...

Rather silly.

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert  -- Wayland: Those who don't understand X
\X/ rhialto/at/falu.nl      -- are condemned to reinvent it. Poorly.

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