
On 20/08/2018 21:36, Cág wrote:

and under the impression bitmap fonts are guaranteed to look bad by
Bitmap fonts are considered superior by some, and are used by a lot of
people. Go search for some tiling WM's screenshots, and you'll see :)
Also, if you don't like old-school-looking X11 default fonts, maybe try
Terminus, Dina or Tamsyn.

It is a matter of taste probably, but for User-interface elements I prefer a good bitmap font without AA. I use WindowMaker and GNUstep and especially on a good display, Helvetica bitmap is far more readable and consistent than anti-aliased and scalable ones.
The same goes for me for terminal and Code Editors.
For text display in reading like in a Browser or a PDF, a scalable font with AA might be more pleasant. However... if bitmap fonts are available in the correct text and header sizes, they look really good!


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