On Jan 5,  5:10pm, Christos Zoulas wrote:
} In article <20190105120103.ga21...@sdf.org>,  <co...@sdf.org> wrote:
} >
} >these programs are relics intended for running old fortran on old
} >machines.
} >fortran carriage-control is no longer a thing as of fortran 2008.
} >netbsd no longer ships other fortran components.
} >
} >I'd like to remove them both.
} >Certainly fpr does not make sense as asa is the more standard one.
} Should have already been removed when we deleted f77 :-)

     Why.  They can certainly be used standalone.  And, they are
very small:

server: {55} ls -agl /usr/bin/{asa,fpr}
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   9544 Mar 11  2017 /usr/bin/asa*
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  14067 Mar 11  2017 /usr/bin/fpr*

Thinking about it, I'm quite that I have files that use fortran
printing control.  If pr(1) had a fortran printing option, I would
be more inclined to say okay.  But, I looked and alas it doesn't.
Given that these can be useful on their own, then if somebody really
wants to delete them, then they should be packaged.  Of course,
given how small they are, there are likely much more important

}-- End of excerpt from Christos Zoulas

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