Am Dienstag, 8. Januar 2019, 17:06:14 CET schrieb Frank Wille:
> Thanks a lot for your help. I would have probably given up. And I cannot
> recommend this installation to anyone. 
I did it around 20 times in my life - but on very different platforms (NetBSD 
as Linux / FreeBSD). Horde is a very (!) powerful PIM / Groupware suite - 
installing it as an "webmailer" only may be a bit over for someone. 

This is not Roundcube or Squirrel....ß)

> Some problems I still have to fix:
> - I can log in with my IMAP users, but I have to do it twice. First for
>   Horde and then for IMP (webmail). Even when I try to open the IMP
>   application directly from the browser. (path: webmail/imp/ ).
This sounds you did not configured the authentication properly. You will find 
this typical question as different solutions on the mailing list (archives 
(g**gle etc.).

It seems you want to use your IMAP server for auth to Horde and for email - 
then you have to configure Horde to use IMAP / IMP for auth and in IMP to use 
the Horde credentials for login into the IMAP server automatically (should be  
in imp/config/backends.php or so - see the description of a option "hordeauth" 
for more - should be True in your case i think).
> - Selected language in the login request is ignored.
> - I can read and send IMAP mail, but I cannot really delete it. I remains
>   in the list with trashcan in front of it. Probably a feature?
You have to expunge the deleted mails after deleting - this is the official 
IMAP standard (and allows a lot of additional features like undelete and 
archiving which IMAP offers. But it may be possible to configure imp / horde 
the other way many email clients do today - "moving it to a "Trash" folder or 
similiar. Read the docs and the config files in imp/conf/ for more about.

Horde 5 is a very powerful yet complex software. You have to configure it to 
YOUR or your customer needs and know at least basics about your IMAP and mail 
server setup and the standards. The main configs are described in the config 
GUI, but there are many additional things which could be defined / changed 
(i.e. defaults, backends etc.) in the additional config files. I strongly 
recommend to use the Horde users mailing list if you plan to use Horde in a 
productive environment (this is out of scope and topic here i think).

good luck,


 Niels Dettenbach
 Syndicat IT & Internet

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