John Nemeth <> writes:

> } If it turns out your data size or query/update rate is too much, I would
> } use postgres.  I know you said you don't want a process, but unlike
> } mysql postgres is really easy to set up.
>      It would be nice to get rid of some of the FUD around here.
> MySQL is quite simple to setup, especially if you're installing it
> from pkgsrc.  mysql-cluster is complex to setup, but that is for
> master-master replication with redundancy.  The regular mysql-server
> is just pkgin mysql-server, set the "root" password and you're off
> to the races.

That wasn't my experience.  WIth pgsql, I was able to just 'createuser'
the username matching the one the daemon that wants to use it.  With
mysql, there was a bunch of stuff about creating username/password pairs
and for a particular db-using application, it was a lot more work to get
things to actually run correctly.   My memory, which could be off, is
that I also had to configure it not to listen beyond localhost.

But, the pkgsrc package was indeed first class, and things were only
annoying at the 30-minute level.

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