Nope, this was/is 8.0 from the start.
I've done a full upgrade from Q3 to Q4 that's all. I know I shouldn't mix
quaternary releases.
Please, have a look at and you
will see that packages are missing, firefox was an example.

While we are at it... is there a pkgin command to remove every installed
package? I have a feeling this may be needed if I would need to go back to
the Q3 release.
Although, I would prefer if Q4 would work as I would like to use Midori as
main browser. After all, I've requested it on WIP a month or so ago.

Den 17 jan. 2019 14:24 skrev "Greg Troxel" <>:

What version of NetBSD are you running?  If 7, you will almost certainly
be better off upgrading to 8.

Generally, all packages need to be from a consistent build.   If you
have seme from one branch and some from another, that can be trouble.
But, your problem sounds like upgrading from netbsd-7 to netbsd-8 and
having some packages from netbsd-7.   Or maybe all; did you change your
pkgin repo line?

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