On Sun, 10 Feb 2019 19:53:21 +0100
tlaro...@polynum.com wrote:

> http://downloads.kergis.com/kertex/risk_comp_1.16.9.0.tar.gz
> It cost me at the beginning less time to write it than to try to
> understand how the other tools work (and not all have the
> requirements I mentionned).

Hello, thanks for the link. I had a look your tool, but it's not as
simple as I wanted it to be. If I understand this correctly, you use
lex, yacc, sed, awk and sh tools to generate makefiles. I think for my
needs, it would be simpler to skip all that and just have simple
makefiles to begin with, that depend on a particular brand of make, like
GNU or BSD. 

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