hello, returning to netbsd after a long time, feels good to be back.
i am in a peculiar situation for which i can't figure out a solution.
i have my primary desktop, an 'hp-aio' based on a dual-core celeron.
i have to run ubuntu on it since i need to run "google chrome".
i tried "chromium" but that doesn't fit my needs as well, as chrome.
i intend to do netbsd specific development in the long term but due
to lack of desk space can't afford to setup another 'pc'.
i was musing about setting up a "raspberry pi 3 b+" to run netbsd.
i would be working with netbsd on the 'rpi' via a 'ssh' session.
the question that i don't have an answer to is whether it is possible
to do development on an 'rpi' running netbsd? development would not
be restricted to just userland, but would also spill over into
kernel zone too.

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