On 08/05/2019 18:41, Christopher Pinon wrote:
> Thanks for your extended comment, but I'm not sure that I would conclude
> from it that "Debian is in pretty bad shape these days". (Or, if so,
> then that every distribution is in pretty bad shape these days.)

You've identified a contradiction in my spiel.  I'll think about it and
tighten up my argument.

> Don't take this the wrong way, but: Adélie Linux? Really? Still at beta
> with (I'm guessing) five users?

It's my personal opinion.  I think it's an excellent distribution and I
am seeing it grow in popularity.

> As for Void Linux, it's a rolling release, intended for those who like
> to break and to recompile their system every weekend.

I've never been a fan of rolling releasees and they break for me all the
time too.  But some people seem to know how to make them work reliably.

> Debian stable isn't for everyone, and certainly not for those who want
> to experiment with Btrfs.

In this case, why would they include Btrfs in the default package

> Sorry to hear about your networking issue with Debian stable, but you
> didn't say what exactly the problem was.

There's no need to apologise for my networking issue.  I don't even
blame Debian.  Software is very, very difficult to get right.  Sometimes
I'm surprised that computers work at all.

I didn't go into the details of the problem because they are irrelevant,
boring, and it would take a very long time to accurately describe the issue.

> In any case, we're already OT,
> given that this is a NetBSD list. :-)
Is this whole thread OT because it asks for web hosting recommendations
instead of asking questions specifically about NetBSD?

And I believe that my message was relevant to NetBSD in the sense that
it's about the complexity of software generally.  Some of you may think
I'm drawing a long bow.  I intend this to be my last message on the
topic anyway (although I'm happy to continue to discuss off-list).

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