Isn't it a strange idea to have packages named first for the language
they're written in and only second by a name that suggests their
function?  Is Python a cult, I begin to wonder, forcing people to read
through lists of unwanted names in the hope of finding what they want.
Come back, L. Ron Hubbard, all is forgiven.

Thanks, may give it a try if current approach fails.

Steve Blinkhorn <>

You wrote:
> Steve Blinkhorn wrote:
> > I run multiple web servers on several distinct machines in each of four
> > different domains, which makes the Letsencrypt proposition very
> > attractive.  After trying Certbot without much success, I lit upon
> >, which offers the possiblity of authentication using
> > nsupdate(1).
> FWIW, certbot from pkgsrc works for me (py27-certbot-0.27.0 on NetBSD 7.2).
> -- 
> Andreas Gustafsson,

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