Pedro Pinho <> writes:

> Is it possible to have more than one repo defined
> in /usr/pkg/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf or, am I looking for trouble?

yes, and maybe

> I want to have pkgin handling an official mirror and at the same time a
> local repo with pkgs built locally that officially don't exist in the main
> repository.
> Is this as simple as, defining two addresses in repositories.conf?

It is that simple to set it up. I would put the main build first.

Keep in mind that pkgin does not appear to have been tested/defined to
deal with packages that appear in both.  But I may be off there.

More fundamentally, all packages must be consistent.  This means same OS
ABI, and same pkgsrc version.

Now, if you are just adding a local dir with local packages, or packages
built from wip, and they are extra (not present in main pkgsrc), then
things are likely to be ok.

Separately, if you have packages that you are maintaining locally, I'd
encourage you to put them in wip, unless it's really clear they are not
useful to other people.

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