On Sun, 23 Feb 2020 21:20:59 +1100
MJ <mafsys1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I really don't see any benefit to it over FFS. Sure CoW is good but
> really, for a pi? If the data's that important I would not be putting
> it on a pi.
> The benefits of ZFS, like expandable volumes, no need for fstab, RAID
> etc just to name a few, all seem lost to me on a Pi. If you use it,
> you're wasting a lot of RAM on just its L2Arc.
> No, I'm not convinced of its usefulness on such a device, given FFS
> is more than likely a lot faster (but more likely to lose your data,
> statistically)
> I'm also fairly certain the rpi4 is not functional under NetBSD yet.
> I may be wrong.

I see a lot of benefits to using ZFS here. It has transparent
compression, hence improves I/O performance, since RPI USB is very slow
the more you can compress files before writing them to storage the
quicker it will be. Also, many people use USB flash and I suspect
reliability is not as good compared to normal disks, hence ZFS
checksumming is a real bonus.

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