On Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 10:59 AM Michael van Elst <mlel...@serpens.de> wrote:
> fr...@phoenix.owl.de (Frank Wille) writes:
> >> Something is using /dev/crypto. openssl would do that, but only if
> >> you configure it.
> >Yes, our web-server is also listening on port 443 for several virtual hosts,
> >so SSL is configured.
> It's not just SSL. openssl has its own crypto routines and you would only
> use /dev/crypto when you want to use some accelerator hardware that can only
> be accessed by a kernel driver.
> The problem here seems to be that the devcrypto engine is builtin and openssl
> just loads every builtin engine with no knob to control that behaviour.
> I think the only option you have now is to prevent access to /dev/crypto.

 could potentially override the use of that engine (if I'm
understanding things correctly).

The 200+ FDs might be one per apache child (if running prefork)?

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