I like the new NetBSD 9.0. It works great at the command line level, and this is where I am writing this email using alpine. But I have yet to get the X server to work. I've been trying to use the twm window manager which I installed with pkgsrc, and have made multiple attempts at creating an .xinitrc file that works. So I could use some help.

The odd thing to me is that when I type startx, it seems to try to open xorg. I get appropiate color fuzz on the screen, and a display with three faint and barely readable error messages, and oddest of all, there is a partial copy of my MSI bios splash screen right in the mddle of the page, and then it hangs and freezes up. I have to shutdown with the power button as the ctl/F* does not switch consoles. Anyway, I would appreciate any suggestions.

Clay Daniels

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