Martin Husemann wrote:
> On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 12:10:21PM -0400, MLH wrote:
> > Hmm. I tried the -current installer and though it appeared to
> > indicate it could, I couldn't determine how to without manually
> > creating the gpt partitions.
> See the top part about 9.0 here:
> The difference to non-UEFI systems is minimal (if the installer has been
> booted via BIOS it will do a BIOS install, if by UEFI it will setup an
> EFI boot). Whether you choose MBR or GPT doesn't matter in either case.
> But this assumes the disk is not partitioned yet (neither MBR nor GPT 
> present).

Thanks. Maybe my bios is just too old. It doesn't boot efi correctly
and maybe it doesn't quite handle gpt partitions quite correctly
either. Might be why I had so much trouble with that.  I still
haven't found a way to have the biosboot boot a specified gpt root
partition without using boot -a.

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