On Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 10:29 AM Johnny Billquist <b...@update.uu.se> wrote:
> On 2020-06-19 13:45, Matthias Petermann wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > some closing words from someone whose arguments in the previous thread
> > were more for Git...
> >
> > I have tried several times during the week to clone the NetBSD
> > repository using Mercurial. I had observed a high CPU load and an
> > apparently unfinished checkout. I tried again and now the experiences
> > have shifted somewhat positively.
> >
> > First a tip for everyone who has an unstable internet connection: The
> > effects appear more clearly with Mercurial, because in the current
> > constellation (internet bandwidth, speed of the anonhg server?, ....) it
> > takes a few operations longer than Git and this increases the likelihood
> > of becoming a victim of network fluctuations during an operation. My
> > observation is that sometimes an error message (timeout) occurs and the
> > transaction is rolled back. In this case, everything called up to that
> > point is invalid and you have to start over. Depending on the phase, the
> > process does not seem to notice this when a network fluctuation occurs
> > and instead is stuck in a state in which 100% CPU is used without
> > noticeable progress. That was obviously also the cause of my original
> > experience, in which the cloning of src did not come to an end even
> > after 11 hours on a relatively modern i5 PC.
> [...]
> Considering that a cvs update on my VAX takes roughly 24 hours, I do not
> look forward to trying hg or git... :-)
> Anyone who dares take a bet on how long it will take, assuming things
> don't just timeout and die in the meantime?
> (It's a 4000/90 with 128M of ram, so nothing extremely slow, I doubt
> I'll ever try on the 8650 with 60M of ram and RA73 disks...)
>    Johnny
> --
> Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
>                                    ||  on a psychedelic trip
> email: b...@softjar.se             ||  Reading murder books
> pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

git clone with --depth 1, over http (instead of ssh), and with a few
simple settings changes will make it work inside of 128M.

I did it a few years ago.

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