You wrote:
> >/dev/null to the pgrep line.
> To track down the cause...
> Are you running this script in the background, or re-running it
> periodically (at a time which would account for the PID showing up in
> the text)?
> Maybe add a "date >> $HOME/log" to the script to record when it gets run
> On the ~ - is that form within elm or within vi-in-elm? (Sorry, its
> been too long since I switched to pine for my elm neurons :-p
> David
> Do you have any of your setup conditionalised on being in an interactive 
> shell?

Blackholing the output of pgrep seems to have fixed it.

Without that the PID of any running elm process on that account shows
up on a line by itself after the "you have mail" notification before
the first csh prompt, before the ~ if trying to read from a file in
vi, or running an external program over part of a vi buffer.  It's not
restricted to vi-in-elm, so elm itself is probably not implicated.

I imagine it's left hanging around in a buffer in the shell and never
gets cleared deown.

Thanks for spending so many action potentials (and glial cell support
- never forget the glia) on my issue.

Steve Blinkhorn <>

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