Mayuresh wrote:
wip/arcticfox would be nice to start giving it a try.

I think it would be nice! perhaps sooner or later I shall try to do it. A long time since I got myself dirty there, pkgin is so convenient.

I'm sensing if there is interest, I hope... that a small community could gather. For now huntseeking patches of FF especially all the work done in many Distributions to get FF45 and 52 "modern" in a singe place would be good.

One of my requirements is to edit MSOffice documents on Would
it work with that?

I think it is an unreasonable expectation.
First you speak with much "lighter" browser and then come up with this.
Maybe it kind of works... try... but is doomed to be chromium only... Think. now Blink+v8 are the new InternetExplorer Trident. Right now some people are claiming this is good, but it is a monopoly. Internet = Google Chrome standards. Edge, Opera, Vivaldi and many more... just a skin about the same stuff. Total monopoly.


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