Please ignore my previous reply, which is shown above. For some reason
the usb started to boot again. The next thing I will try is to connect
the NetBSD HDD into the DVD sata slot and try to boot it from there,
with the bootme flag (with the biosboot flag also set). Let's see what

I suggest you try booting using a EFI label (after labelling your
NetBSD partitions). Try:

1. Remove the bootme attribute.

2. Label the NetBSD boot/root partition using `gpt label -l NetBSD_9.2 ...'

3. In esp:/EFI/NetBSD/boot.cfg, add:
menu=Boot normally:boot NAME=NetBSD_9.2: of stuff...

4. Edit /etc/fstab, and use the same labels:
NAME=NetBSD_9.2         /               ffs     rw,log,noatime  1 1
NAME=NetBSD_swap        none            swap    sw,dp

I have 3 partitions for NetBSD with labels: NetBSD_EFI, NetBSD_9.2 and
NetBSD_swap. None have the bootme attr. set.

$ gpart show -l ada0
=>       34  976773101  ada0  GPT  (466G)
         34       2014        - free -  (1.0M)
       2048     614400     1  EFI  (300M)
     616448    1228800     2  Basic data partition  (600M)
    1845248     262144     3  Microsoft reserved partition  (128M)
    2107392       8192     4  FreeBSD_EFI  (4.0M)
    2115584  104857600     7  FreeBSD_13.0  (50G)
  106973184    8390656     8  FreeBSD_swap  (4.0G)
  115363840      16384     9  NetBSD_EFI  (8.0M)
  115380224   41943040    10  NetBSD_9.2  (20G)
  157323264   10485760    11  NetBSD_swap  (5.0G)
  167809024   20971520    12  Linux filesystem  (10G)
  188780544      16384    13  OpenBSD_EFI  (8.0M)
  188796928   62914560    14  OpenBSD_6.8  (30G)
  251711488  104857600    15  NetBSD_test  (50G)
  356569088   19470336        - free -  (9.3G)
  376039424    8388608     5  Ubuntu_swap  (4.0G)
  384428032  592343040     6  Ubuntu_19.04  (282G)
  976771072       2063        - free -  (1.0M)



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