
I am using NetBSD 9.2. I can now boot the system and am running X and
the twm window manager.

I am seeing this crash, somewhat frequently. Here is what I do.

I boot the system, log into my account. Then I start X with "startx".
The system does not respond for a short while. I cannot use the
keyboard during that time. Then it resets the system. After the system
starts up, after the crash, it saves the core and the kernel dump in
the /var/crash directory. When I look at these files with crash, I see
these errors:

crash -M /var/crash/netbsd.3.core.gz

crash: no valid dump header

crash: can not read osrelease:

When I run crash -N /var/crash/netbsd.4.gz it returns

crash: kvm_nlist: bad namelist

No other information. I do not know what to make out of these error
messages, since they are not related to the crash I think.

Is there a way to determine the cause of the crash? Maybe I am doing
something in my .xinitrc file. I have these in my .xinitrc (I could
not copy the file content here, will write these).

xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
xsetroot -solid "#483d8b"
xrdb -load ~/.Xresources
exec /usr/X11R7/bin/twm

Best Regards,

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