On Mon, 12 Dec 2022, Mayuresh wrote:


Placed the entire i915 folder at above path.

Tried modesetting, intel, wsfb : none work.

Welcome to the club... You'll find the rest of the gang here already:


Please post to that thread:

a) full dmesg output after you boot with `boot -vx' at the bootloader
   prompt, and
b) the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file with the modesetting Xorg driver.

With wsfb there is a very thin white line at the top of the screen and if
I do Ctrl-d in that X exits, so looks like a terminal is coming up in that
thin line.

Yes. I get that same 1-pixel framebuffer with the wsfb(4) Xorg
display-driver running on top of the DRMKMS module's `intelfb'
framebuffer. wsfb(4) on top of the generic genfb(4) is OK as you saw.

Uncomment the `Option "AccelMethod" "none"' in the config. fragment I
sent you. Then see if modesetting(4) comes up. For the intel(4) driver,
try `Option "AccelMethod" "UXA"', or even `"none"' as a last resort. The
intelfb(4) manpage lists other options which you can turn off or disable
with the SNA or UXA accel-methods.


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