> I wonder if there are good TOTP programs in pkgsrc and what
> people recommend.

I'm a happy user of "oath-toolkit', too.

I wrapped that into a small shell script which lets me easily select
any of the few TOTP secrets I have collected so far.  It also tracks
the token changes on the full and half minute.

                                        Have fun, Martin


case "$1" in
        -h*)    secret=YOUR ;;
        -z*)    secret=SECRETS ;;
        -m*)    secret=GO_HERE ;;
        ?*)     secret=$1 ;;
        "")     echo "usage: $0 [ -h | -z | -m | <SECRET> ]"
                exit 1

# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3mgapAcVdU
# we gotta get out of this place,  but cleanly:
trap "exit 0" INT

while true; do
        t=`date +%S`
        date +"%T,  current & next token (changes on seconds :00 and :30):"
        oathtool --totp -w1 -b $secret
        # gotcha!  SOMETIMES, $t may come in as 08 or 09 which would be
        # illegal octal numbers -- we need to nuke a leading "0":
        sleep $(( 1 + 30 - (${t#0} % 30) ))

# and if it's the last thing we ever do...
# 2FA -- 2 Factor Audio, here's the 2nd factor:
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsuQO77n9SE

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